Tribute in autism

Tribute to Autism


"Invisible citizens, invisible rights": For the rights of autistic persons.
There are about 60,000 persons with autism in our country. The overwhelming majority of them are invisible to the Greek state. Existing infrastructures cover only a fraction of the needs of a few dozen persons with autism in our country. In essence, thousands of Greek families with autistic members, thousands of parents confront an unanswered question in all its intensity: what will become of our children when we are no longer alive? Citizens without rights, persons with autism, invisible citizens demand visibility.
An attempt to cast a ray of light, a flicker of visibility, will be made by Emotion Pictures - Documentary and Disability International Festival through the screening of relevant films and through a discussion with Sophia Bonanou, member of the board of directors of Autism Europe and university professor, and Fotini Zafiropoulou, educator and president of EEPAA Northern Greece. There will also be a recorded message from Christos Alexiou, founder and honorary president of the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic Persons (EEPAA).
Discussion coordinator: Antonis Skordilis, journalist.
Schedule of tribute to autism
Sunday 21.06.09
11:00 - 15:15 AUDITORIUM
11:00    Finding the words
              Elisabeth Horn, USA, 2007, (54')
12:00    Including Samuel
              Dan Habib, USA, 2008, (58')
13:00    Discussion
13:45    Mapping Stem Cell Research: Terra Incognita
              Maria Finitzo, USA, 2007, (83')

















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