The festival
Festival 2007
EMOTION PICTURES - Documentary and Disability:
1st International Festival, Athens 2007

Welcome to EMOTION PICTURES, the 1st International Documentary Festival on Disability, which took place in Athens, 16-18 June 2007. The Festival was organized by the Secretariat General of Communication- Secretariat General of Information, in collaboration with the Greek Film Centre, and was run at the same time as the 2nd International Conference "People with Disabilities and Mass Media". The Festival Director is film director Maria Hatzimichali-Papaliou.
Venue for the EMOTION PICTURES festival was the New Benaki Museum (138 Piraios & Andronikou streets). Τhe festival's opening ceremony, was honoured by the presence of the President of the Hellenic Rebublic mr. Karolos Papoulias.
From June 2007, EMOTION PICTURES will be with us each year. Αlthough it is the first festival of its kind in Greece, it belongs to a powerful global artistic movement on the theme of disability.
The festival's aim is to bring to prominence, using the documentary as the medium, the concern of artists from all over the world on disability issues and to encourage the development of a fruitful social dialogue in Greece with art – the common language of us all – as the starting-point.
EMOTION PICTURES is at once a cultural event, a meeting place, a celebration.
Because diversity is the only truth that unites us all.
EMOTION PICTURES television spot
A 40 second television spot on EMOTION PICTURES was aired before and during the festival by all Greek networks that broadcast nationally. The spot consists of a synthesis of excerpts from films that were screened during the festival and gives a taste of the rich screening schedule.
View the spot (Flash Video, 2,59 MB).